Steamy Windows

:rolleyes: Jeez, look it up, man.

  • sorry, but it’s one of those things in life, where you should know what it is.
    (or at least Google and pretend to.)

Yeah when I think of linen I think of bed sheets not t-shirts…

The linen closet…

If you think of bed sheets, you are thinking of 'material type.'
My point still stands…

[I]“Drop your linen and start your grinnin.”[/I]

Ohhh! LOL … I never would have come up with that. Thanks for the clarification… You are right, we are fragile like hot house orchids!
Or, thorny as dried up old cactus plants.

By the way, what is this thing called a basement? (just kidding)

So your saying that you wear underwear on your head?:confused:

I’m sure that keeps away the “pests”

Thanks I’m going to have to try that next time I land a really important commercial account. I bet the ladies in the office will LOVE me!

Ha. No problem, man… :slight_smile:

It’ll work, that much I promise.
Though it may be one extra bottle/gallon that you aren’t used to carrying around.

Yeah I guess you guys don’t have basements there? We have them here but I’m not really sure what good they are… I guess we NEED them…

It’s basically a big hole in the ground that holds the house up…

Only on weekends, when my parents are out of town…

If they found out they might start to question your manhood… Don’t worry we’ll keep that our little secret…:wink:

If we had them, they would be swimming pools! Maybe that is why we don’t have them. The 10:00 news just said we are supposed to get 8 to 12" of rain tonight.
As strong as the wind is blowing my store fronts will all need to be cleaned as soon as this storm is gone! Yippee!!
Now I need to find some “washer fluid” to try on my fogged windows.

Tell me that you don’t fill it with water?!?
(I cant tell if you’re joking)

If not, go to an auto parts store.

Nah…Mother Nature is keeping them full. Seriously, I don’t know if we are talking about the same thing…what are you talking about?
LOL …I’m lost or having a so called “fragile” moment.

Washer fluid in your car… For your windshield wipers.
it’s made to NOT freeze.

pour a little on your strip washer and it will help on coolers.

Got it! This is getting too funny! A couple of posts earlier we were talking about basements and swimming pools. You said “Tell me that you don’t fill it with water” I thought you were referring to the swimming pools. LOL
It’s way to late for me to continue.
I’ll go by pep boys and get some window washer fluid tomorrow if our roads are not under water.
Thank you so much for this information! I love this forum, and I love cleaning windows!!

Do they even sell antifreeze washer fluid down there?
[MENTION=39052]Hard2BeMe[/MENTION], make sure to get the stuff that says -20°F or lower. Or find some straight methanol to add to your solution. You might also try rubbing alcohol. It’s smellier, but a lot less toxic.

I’m assuming J was recommending the washer fluid for its alcohol content. The soap in washer fluid is kind of useless, and personally I don’t care for the blue dye, either.

Some people do I refill my stuff one every 6 months so I usually don’t have washer fluid on hand.