Steamy Windows

& [MENTION=3471]Alex Lacey[/MENTION] - he might only be able to find the 20F stuff. Maybe the 0F stuff depending on walmart.

We use washer fluid mainly for getting bugs off windshields. But this winter was pretty rough, I went through almost 1.5 gallons of the stuff this season. Had a couple of stops before the sun came out and it was pretty chilly.

Dude. Weird Science. Watch it.

Oh yeah! They sell it down here for sure. Usually I put plain water in it until late fall, then will get some to keep the bottle from freezing.
Actually I trust the guys to do it when I get my oil changed. We get a few cold fronts that drop us below freezing every winter. Just doesn’t stay below 32 degrees
for more than a couple of hours.
You sure live in a gorgeous area. I spent 2 weeks in Brattleboro back in 1984 just to get out of the heat! Absolutely gorgeous!

Yes, I do :). It probably hasn’t changed that much since '84. Just as many hippies, and still no billboards allowed in VT :smiley:

It seems the problem you are having is to do with the moisture content, with such high humidities the air is full with moisture using warm water will only make the problem worse as you are increasing the temperature of the water on the glass and increasing the moister level in the initial area, link this with the dew point. If the dew point is around the temperature it is inside the house and the humidity is high you have a increased chance of some kind of vapor on the glass whether it be bleed back or fogging. I would clean the glass (do not detail) until all vapor is dried , provided you have correctly cleaned the glass only detailing should be a small amount of bleed back.
I get this problem all the time in summer.

I didn’t think about the rain going on in Texas.
Looking back, [MENTION=39052]Hard2BeMe[/MENTION] made some good jokes.
(sorry I missed them the first time)

It was late…not sure I was completely coherent. Thank you for the kind words, and the “Windshield washer tip”.
I’m definitely getting some.

As long as you don’t use a stolen sqeegee/washer from the gas station with the windshield washer fluid we’re good… That’s what some dude rolls with around here. When I see him across the street peddling around on his huffy ten speed I have to yell at him to stay outta my town…:cool: I think he finally gets it!

Yup…there’s a dude here that does that too. I wait a week or two and go to the businesses I’ve seen him at and show those customers what CLEAN windows look like! The little bucket of water he uses never gets emptied. It is black sludge! He actually makes it easy for me to get customers!
I empty my bucket at first sign of discoloration.
Another small community has a very loved “Special Needs” young man that goes around washing windows. His customers love him and let him do their windows out of kindness. I respect that, and never enter his territory even though he only does the lower half. We must have a loving heart and embrace everyone in our world.
Have a good day my friend!