Does anyone know where to purchase a towel viper from?
No but ironically some guy just called me Da Viper about 20min ago. I was like Huh? Ya he says, Da Vindo Viper
And talk to @Alex. Think he had a few
We are setting up manufacturing and distribution channels at this very moment. Stay tuned here, visit the TowelViper YouTube channel or our website ( (coming soon)) for information. Set for production release later this year (2017)
I literally got that today too this morning.
Response: “Yep.” with eyes never leaving glass.
Da vindo viper has been to yale.
He yust got out last week.
Well you beat me on this one. I have been kicking around some ideas of my own because them lousy Hip-Clips keep breaking. I had a better couple names I think though, how about the “Sham-jam” referring to a shammy of course. Or, “Rag-snag”. Well I like mine better but I see that yours kind of has the shape of a viper head so I get it.
Looking forward to it.
I’m just gonna be a jerk here and suggest the name “ass rag” to kinda ride shotgun with the plumbers crack