Towels/Rags storage

What do you guys put your towels/rags in ?

I used a reusable grocery bag , I used to put them in a clean bucket but didn’t like carrying an extra bucket.

I’d like to see what u guys use, I don’t like the bag too much , the only thing I like it requires little storage .

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Here’s pic

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Large Rubbermaid bin with lid.

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I like to use these, there stackable,interlocking and dont take up too much space

I use what ever I have that morning… Trash bag, front seat in the truck, tool box. Lol w/e I have

I just bought these today for stuff like scrims an rags , I can fit 4 of these across my shelving in my van.

I use white kitchen trash bags. My wife bought one of the black pop up bags. It looks better but it takes up a lot of space.

We use laundry bags

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^^ This^^

I have this same one. It holds my rubber,sleeves,mits, indoor pads in their own box,aluminum pad holder and a few other things.
Another tub slightly smaller stacks above this with my scrims,rags and micro’s… Smaller 1 holds wfp brushes,other is for razors and anything abrasive bronze,steel wool,track brush etc…

Do you carry theses with you into the job site? Or do you just carry what you need on you and go back if you need more ?

I want something I can leave in the backyard or front porch that looks professional and doesn’t use too much space

I like the laundry bag , do you have a pic ? [MENTION=3135]diamondridge[/MENTION]

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I use a large rubbermaid bin too, but since buying a scrim I hardly use detailing rags.

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I have some rubber maid bins w/lids, keeps all my rags/scrim/drop cloths in it.

I think it’s more professional looking to keep what you need on you for rags and go back to the truck as necessary. I try to only take my ladders, bucket, and wear my belt at a house.
I personally think leaving some sort of bag/container full of my rags in someone’s front yard is unnecessary and unprofessional looking. What house needs more than 2 rags anyway?

Mike Radzik

Pro Window Cleaning

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I agree, I have a no bucket in home policy… Little tools as possible, and in most homes no belt. Easy to knock over furniture pieces. And everything now stays in my van at all times.

When I’m inside a home I bring my bucket in and set it on a drop cloth with my 3’ step ladder. On my belt I like to carry at least one squirt bottle of water and refill it in my bucket as necessary. The bucket stays in one location usually near the front door where I came in.

Mike Radzik

Pro Window Cleaning

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I have heard many guys say this, and over the past 10 years I have been bringing my bucket in homes and also always use my BOAB and have not once had a single issue. I am very conscientious and pay attention to my surroundings, but I feel like most guys could bring their bucket in and not have an issue. Just my two cents.

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idk, maybe this one?

I have done homes that large and probably larger, the most rags I’ve used in a day is 3… Aside from a day where the edges are bleeding like crazy.

Now that I use a scrim I could use that an entire day I’m guessing.

I only use my rag for detailing, my sponge picks up the big messes inside and outside

Mike Radzik

Pro Window Cleaning

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wow, thats really good. we must use different techniques. my guys usually go through a whole bucket of rags throughout the course of a day. we do a lot of tdl’s though, so that’s a lot more detailing


Mike Radzik

Pro Window Cleaning

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