Where did the search bar go?

Clear your browsing history and it will work fine.

I give up
Still doesn’t work right
Browsing history in safari?

Yep that will fix it. We used the iPhone 6 in Both sizes for extensive testing so I’m confident clearing your history will do the trick.

Thanks @Chris duh. Ha. There it is… I can tell you guys are puttin in work to get this rollin. Looks good man.

No search bar on the Desktop version yet @Chris

Clear that cache Kyle.


How do I get the search bar to go away?



You don’t have to be sorry - I know you will grow to love the new direction. :slight_smile:

From a pixel perspective, the new nav bar on the desktop is about 35% bigger than the old one.


But seriously any wonkiness you may be seeing will resolve with a cache clearing. Let me know if you need help.

I actually like how the new sear bar works…I do like how it opens up on a new page on desktop!

Replying to posts now is difficult.cant see what im typing.frustrating if spelling mistakes happen at start of my reply.

I’m typing to you now from a very tiny screen. iPhone 5 test phone. What is preventing you from seeing what you are typing?

Have you cleared your browsing cache?

This is what I see on a super small screen.


Chris I hate to ask this but I’m a stupidly itech illiterate. How the hack do you clear your browsing cashe? I don’t even know what a browsing cashe is.

I actually just found the browsing data on my phone and cleared it but the screen is still cut in half. Maybe it’s the wrong browsing cache.

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Try googling something like this with your phone model on it.

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The platform we run on is very fast. To achieve that speed your browser stores little bits of the website in its own storage. Lots of websites do this. Those little bits build up and when there is a major element change your browser doesn’t see the change because it’s all clogged up with the old info.

Your browser needs a little reboot to see the changes (sometimes) I kill / clear mine a couple times a week. It helps keep thing speedy.


Well. When you put it like that!

S teen shot when replying on a Samsung Galaxy S4. Can’t see my reply at all.

Yikes ok. That’s interesting I’m going to dig deeper into that. How many inches tall is your phone? Thanks for the screen shots they are helpful in getting things worked out quickly.

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