Who has the best Window Cleaning Website you have ever seen?

It IS a nice looking site.

How has the site been working for him. Has it brought him more business? Has it helped him strengthen current client relationships?

which comeā€™s back to hamiltonā€™s: Itā€™s the connection to the pictures.

i love a ton of themes on themeforest, they all have great pictures. I try to imagine my pictures or the template without pictures and the theme seems empty.

I feel that itā€™s direct and tells us what to think.

Not distracting us with other ideas or questions.

Itā€™s honest. itā€™s simple.

Interestingly, we (all people) find photos of people looking right at us riveting.

Vince has this giant one:

I love non-stock close up eye-contact shots. Builds affinity + trust.

Fixed it for you.

definintely have noticed this over the last few years of looking into marketing

but not those cheesy ones of a girl with a headset on ready to take your call, lol, as you pointed out

Itā€™s also an effective example of the ā€œRule of Thirds.ā€
(intentionally of not)

Iā€™m a huge believer in the rule of thirds.

During a consulting appointment this morning, I mentioned to my client that their estimate template needed to be adjusted so that the design followed the rule of thirds. Right now its more like 55/45 or 60/40 and it bothers me.

Huge difference.

Centering is also good, but usually not as cool (visually appealing).

Speaking of thirds, I am about to amend the ā€œlanding sectionā€ of my home page to address three ideas:

  1. What do we offer.
  2. How do we do it.
  3. How much is it going to cost?

Iā€™m going to work on ā€œguiding the customer.ā€

and then sprinkle it with Testimonials and such.

Image-wise, ā€˜theyā€™ say that it actually goes against the natural movement of the eye, to center it.
(I liken it to the adage ā€œmore muscles used in a frown vs. a smile.ā€)

Your subject should lie along one of the ā€˜thirdsā€™ lines, or even better at one of the intersections (preferably the eyeā€™s if itā€™s a person)

@SqueegeeNinjaNJ ^^^

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I found this thread while searching for good window cleaning website examples. I about to launch a window cleaning website and I want to make it the best out of all of the websites on the thread. Keep an Eye on it and let me know what you think. I should have it done in the next week or two. windowcleanermpls .com/

Wait til you see the redos on my websites this winter :slight_smile:


With my previous business I used Hatch (Nicejob) and they were ok but when I started my new window cleaning brand I wanted an awesome site along return seo. Upengine did a great job and they are working on my seo too. Their branding is slick

They seem to similar to how nicejob does it, pricing and seo. Do you own the website as in transferable to your own hosting or do they?

Nicejob only does onsite SEO from what I know. UpEngine has an off-site SEO plan as well. My plan with UpEngine allows me to take the site elsewhere after 12 months.(not sure about every plan). But I donā€™t plan to leave. With Nicejob they wouldnā€™t let me till 36 months. I also have 10 pages to start with