Continuing the discussion from Marketing Minute #1 - Bullets and then Cannon :
This is a sample of the 115 bookmarks I have saved over time and it got me thinking,
What has been some of the most helpful knowledge shared here for you over the years? If you have the post, please link.
P.S. - There was one post years ago about 2 delicatessans. I can’t find it anywhere. One deli was more expensive but had better customer service so the poster always chose that one. His overall point was that we sell purselves more than anything. Great post. But I dont remember who it was. If it was you, please lmk. Been driving me crazy for months.
March 25, 2017, 11:14pm
Here you go @TheWindowCleanse !
I live in a small town and we have 2 delis. One is uptown and close to my house. The food is amazing at the atmosphere is pleasant. It is in the old part of town and they have nice little tables outside to sit and enjoy the Southern California weather. The only problem with it is that the girl that works behind the counter has the attitude that she would rather have an ovarian cyst removed than wait on you.
The other deli is downtown. It has great food as well b…
Thanks a trillion, Steve! This was posted in 2010 and has been echoing in my mind for 7 years. It was a game changer for me and it’s great to see it again.
Thanks too for posting long ago @Bailey
The best material often came before FB. It was hidden in the middle of FTE and LL and such.
It’s the little things often.
headache over the backache
fail as many times as you can before 30
March 26, 2017, 12:44pm
This is one of the golden nuggets I like…
here’s how i look at it:
a good window cleaner’s b+ work= a+ results from a customer’s perspective.
it’s the law of diminishing returns at work here. ie, let’s say it takes you 5 minutes to clean a window to [I]your[/I] b- standard. it takes you 5.5 minutes to clean the same window to [I]your[/I] b+ standards. that’s a 10% increase in time to go from 80% perfect to 89% perfect. pretty good return on investment.
now let’s say it takes you 7.5 minutes to go from your b+ work to your a+ work. …
Just added it to my ever-growing list of wcr bookmarks. Thanks, Jordie!
Find any place Bruce has spoke or chimed in about gutters
Kevin D had some solid and creative marketing posts.
June 5, 2017, 4:57am
This is another good link… Pricing is important @leavingnc
doing a pane on both sides doesn’t make it 2 panes, it’s just both sides of the 1 pane, therefore…
we do $3 per pane for exterior only and $5 per pane for inside and out. both include dry brushing of the screen.
30 panes would be $90 if we’re only doing the outside or $150 to do inside and out.
Yes Steve what Caleb says there is the best thing I ever herd I here.
1 Like
July 4, 2017, 1:32am
Here is another golden nugget…
When I stopped caring. Either they want it or they don’t.
If you don’t know something, just say so but make yourself available to try.
"I’ve never done that before but I certainly have the resources to educate myself and to do the job…"
I will add that my favorite type of sales is education. That is what I’m enthusiastic about and so that is what is most comfortable.
View it as a pyramid with Technicians at the base - dime a dozen.
Next tier is Specialist.
Then, Authority.
Moving up is C…