NEW logo

No window, with stars (to indicate sparkling cleanliness)

No window, no stars

I kinda like the stars (concept) maybe a different style.

Better without the window.

So your stuck on the “washing” not “cleaning”…

For the time being, yes. My Company is legally Alpha Clean Sarasota LLC, and there is already another company in a neighbor city called Alpha Window Cleaning (my fault for not checking, I guess). I could get a DBA for something else, but the other guy isn’t well-known and I’ve already invested this much time building up my business name as Alpha Clean. Alpha Clean Window Cleaning sounds redundant to me, and I really do wash windows.

Maybe I’ll just bite the bullet and rebrand in a while when my business cards run out and my shirts have holes in them…

Gotcha. :wink:

Roll With what you like and can use! :wink:


well i made my suggestion earlier, of course you could add the stars, and that prancing window cleaner guy and definitely bubble man. the more you add the less people see your name the stylized your letters are the less recognizable they are.
good luck.


Haha point taken. You know I almost added bubble man just to be a troll…

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this is my current logo

I thought your name actually was Cactus JK. That logo seems to be in keeping with almost every successful brand whose sign I see from the street. Simple and to the point. Thank you for your helpful balance. Left to my own devices I would certainly have gone overboard.

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the biggest fail i see in wraps is going overboard, wow your truck looks awesome! what do you do?

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cactus27 is my world of tanks name

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I’ve been playing a game lately, looking at all the wrapped vehicles I see on the road. More often than not, the design reflects vanity rather than functionality. If the goal is to promote the business, and I can’t tell what the business DOES in less than 3 seconds, I call that a bust. Thanks for helping me avoid being one of those guys.


Looks good Ken.

Love my logo


several years ago there was a truck or suv commercial on tv. the vehicle was driving on the moon while an excellent version of “fly me to the moon was crooned” i can still here it, see it in my mind, used to perk up and listen when it came on. never ever did i know what brand or model it was.

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actually i think i was replying the post above the one with the grin and no i did not see it.
more than that i was responding to the thought or opinion that is commonly repeated here that cleaning is better, which is a personal opinion.
in no way did i intend to sound angry or offensive hence the elegant display of well grammer and the closing statement (quack)
please accept my humble but sincere apology, no offence was intended.

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How about “Window Absterging”?

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Am I the only one that doesn’t have “window cleaning” in my name?

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No worries friend. :blush:

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